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Policy 05.05 Attendance and Punctuality

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Attendance and Punctuality






July 17, 2017


March 13, 2018


March 22, 2018


April 2, 2018




1. Description and Purpose The purpose of this policy is to promote regular and predictable attendance by employees of the City of Saint Paul (City).

2. Applicability This policy applies employees and representatives of the City.

3. Failure to Comply Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action as stated in this policy and/or in accordance with any and all disciplinary policies of the City.


1. Regular and predictable attendance is an essential component of every job. The City understands, however, that occasionally unexpected situations do occur. If you are going to be late or absent, you must promptly call your supervisor in advance to notify him of the reason for your tardiness or absence.

2. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness in connection with scheduled work times, breaks, and meal periods is prohibited. Excessive absenteeism and/or tardiness will lead to disciplinary action.

3. An employee’s attendance record strongly influences promotion, job transfer, merit increases, and performance evaluations.

4. Absentee Reporting

a. It is an employee’s responsibility to notify his supervisor if they will be absent or late by calling, emailing and/or texting.

b. All employees shall report and be ready to work at the scheduled starting time. An employee unable to report to work at the scheduled time shall notify his supervisor as far in advance of the scheduled start time as practical.

c. An employee’s failure to report to work more than twenty (20) minutes after the employee’s approved start time shall constitute tardiness and shall subject the employee to disciplinary action.

d. An employee’s failure to notify the immediate supervisor of absence within one (1) hour of the employee’s approved start time shall constitute absence without permission and shall subject the employee to disciplinary action.

5. If an employee is absent more than two (2) consecutive workdays, a statement from a physician may be required before the employee is permitted to return to work.

6. Employees who are absent from work for five (5) consecutive days without giving proper notice to the City will considered to have voluntarily resigned.

7. Tracking Attendance

a. The Finance Department will track and monitor all employees’ attendance along with the Administrative Team and an employee’s immediate supervisor(s).

8. Absentee and Tardy Occurrence Schedule

a. Tardy (late in or early out) = ¼ Occurrence (30 minutes or less)

b. Partial Day Absence = ½ Occurrence (More than 30 minutes late in or early out)

c. Full Day Absence = 1 Occurrence

d. No Call No Show = 2 Occurrences

9. Exceptions

a. The following kinds of absences, when prearranged and/or in accordance with City leave policies are not counted as occurrences:

i. Annual Leave

ii. Sick Leave

iii. Alaska Family Leave

iv. Administrative Leave

v. Military Leave

vi. Volunteer Service Leave

vii. Court Leave

viii. Emergency Leave

ix. Special Leave

10. Attendance Disciplinary Action

i. Three (3) occurrences within a 6-month period – Coaching/Verbal Warning (documented)

ii. Five (5) occurrences within 6-month period – Written Warning

iii. Six (6) occurrences within 6-month period – Written Warning & Suspension

iv. An absence/occurrence within 90 days of a suspension for attendance or reaching six (6) occurrences within 18 months of receiving a suspension is consider excessive and will result in termination of employment.

v. The City reserves the right to bypass any or all the above steps when an employee accumulates attendance occurrences too rapidly to administer the appropriate warnings and to make exceptions to disciplinary action procedures listed above.

11. This Policy does not apply during the first ninety (90) days of employment. During the first ninety (90) days of employment an employee may receive no warning when absences are excessive prior to termination. Five (5) absences will result in termination.


1. None.


1. None.


1. None.


1. This is a new policy