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Policy 05.11 Social Media and Blogging

This policy is included in your selections.


Social Media and Blogging






July 10, 2017


March 20, 2018


March 22, 2018


April 2, 2018




1. Description and Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish policies on procedures regarding use of social media and blogging.

2. Applicability This policy applies to all employees of the City.

3. Failure to Comply Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with all disciplinary policies of the City.


1. The City recognizes that electronic social networking (such as personal web sites, blogs, Facebook, My-Space, Twitter, Instagram, online group discussions, text messaging, message boards, chat rooms, etc.) can be used by employees for personal as well as business purposes. The City further understands that the use of such internet and social networking sites can shape the way the public views the City. The City respects the rights of all employees to maintain a blog or post a comment on social networking sites. At the same time, the City is committed to ensuring that the use of such communications is done responsibly, ethically and consistent with the City’s identity, integrity, reputation, values and policies.

2. Nothing contained in this Social Media and Blogging Policy is intended to violate or infringe upon any rights afforded to employees under the Alaska Labor Relations Act with respect to engaging in protected concerted activities.

3. If an employee chooses to identify themselves as an employee of the City on any internet venue, readers may view that employee as a representative or spokesperson for the City. Accordingly, care must be taken to ensure that personal viewpoints and opinions are properly identified. In addition, certain comments and activities can be problematic if they have a negative effect on co-workers such as harassing, demeaning, threatening or hostile comments.

4. In order to avoid any problems involving the use of social media or blogging the City has established this policy to provide guidelines for communicating City-related information, or any of their respective clients, beneficiaries, guests, suppliers, employees, officers, directors, and/or owners, in any blog, on a website, or otherwise on the internet via social networking forums whether used in or outside the workplace.

5. Personal Blogging or Social Networking on City Time

a. Employees of the City may not post on a personal blog or web page or participate in any personal electronic social networking during work time or at any time with City equipment or property. Working time is the employee’s scheduled time of work, not including lunch hour, breaks, or time prior to or after the employee’s shift.

6. Authorization to Comment Regarding City Services

a. Employees must receive written authorization before commenting about City’s services on blogs or social networking sites. If authorization is given, the employee must clearly and conspicuously disclose his employment relationship with the City when posting a comment regarding the City’s services.

7. Legitimate Business Purpose

a. Any employee engaging in electronic social networking or blogging for legitimate business purposes (a City-sponsored blog or media site) must get express approval of all content with the appropriate supervisor before posting. Employees engaged in blogging or electronic social networking for legitimate business purposes are responsible for complying with all the City policies.

8. Disclaimer

a. Any employee referencing the City on a personal blog or social networking site must include a disclaimer that specifically states that the opinions and attitudes expressed are those of the employee alone and may not be aligned with those of the City. The employee must make it clear that he or she is speaking for himself or herself and not on behalf of the City.

9. Prohibition on Advertising or Selling City Services

a. Employees are not to advertise or sell any of the City’s services on any website or social network site other than that owned, controlled and maintained by the City.

10. Proprietary and Confidential Information

a. All the City rules and policies regarding disclosure of sensitive, proprietary, financial or confidential information apply in full to blogs and social networking sites.

11. Discrimination and Harassment

a. All other City rules or policies regarding discrimination and harassment apply in full force to blogs and social networking sites. The City is firmly committed to its equal employment opportunity policies and does not condone or tolerate discrimination. The City also prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment. Employees are prohibited from engaging in any conduct, activities, communications, or postings which violate City policies regarding discrimination and harassment. No messages with derogatory or inflammatory remarks about any legally protected characteristic or status shall be transmitted or retrieved. No abusive, profane, or offensive language is to be transmitted. Any conduct which is impermissible under the law if expressed in any other form or forum is also impermissible if expressed through blogs, social network sites, text messages, or other similar electronic means.

12. Media Contacts

a. Media contacts made via blogs or social network sites regarding City’s services, employees, partners, vendors, customers or competitors should be referred for coordination and guidance to the City Manager.

13. Right to Monitor

a. The City reserves the right to monitor all public blogs and social networking forums for the purpose of protecting its interests and monitoring compliance with City policies.

b. If activity is found to be compromising, insubordinate, or adverse to the City’s legitimate business interests, the City may require cessation and removal of any detrimental commentary or postings. The City reserves the right to access any City computers and electronic communication devices to monitor blogs and on-line websites. Employees should not maintain any expectation of privacy with respect to information transmitted over, received by, or posted on such sites.

c. Any violation of any portion of this Social Media and Blogging Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.


1. None.


1. Alaska Labor Relations Act.


1. None.


1. This is a new policy.